Newest Princesses and Princes

Thursday, November 27, 2008

MJ--A New Heart of Gold Award Winner!!

The Princess Project is so proud to announce a new Heart of Gold Award winner--Margaret Purk!!!!
The Heart of Gold Award is given to those who face a challenge in their own life but rise above that challenge to help others who face similar circumstances.

Margaret "MJ" Purk is considered a Queen by all the children who know and love her.
Here is MJ's story in her own words:
I lost my mother to a car accident when I was 2 1/2 years old and my sister to SMA when I was 3. I first started giving when I was 9 and had spinal fusion and gave a little girl on PICU a beanie baby and just started giving. My first was handing out beanie babies at SMA Conferences and donated books and beanies to the PICU (Newark, NJ). I then started making cards or notes for SMA Kids and kids with Cancer and started sending out 25 a month and before I stopped at age 16, was up to 100 cards a month. Then started B4SMA ( and also taught myself how to do websites. Now I design and maintain about 70 websites on in my free time. I am a junior at Wright State University, majoring in Rehabilitation Services, have a 3.7 gpa, despite missing 90 days of school last year due to a perforated intestine, the flu, and having trach surgery. I think that is me in a nutshell!--MJ Purk.

Please see the bios of all our other Heart of Gold Award winners (pictured in the slide show) on the main site: