Newest Princesses and Princes

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Heart of Gold Award winner in Johnson and Johnson video

Madi has been her usual busy self lately. She will be honored in Washington, D.C. soon as the Delaware Middle School winner of a Prudential Spirit of Community Award.
She has recently earned the title of Nat'l Miss Heart of Gold (see photo :-) and she has just had a video added to a Johnson and Johnson web site. This not only tells about Madi's experience with an insulin delivery system, it also tells about Madi's volunteerism for the American Diabetes Association and mentions her American Girl award. This young lady has accomplished SO MUCH! She is truly amazing! We'll let her mom tell about the video in her own words:

Hi All~
As some of you know, Madi had the great opportunity to work with Johnson & Johnson on a story they were doing for their annual report on the PING insulin delivery system that she uses to help control her diabetes. The interviewer, the photo crew and the film crew came to our house and followed Madi through a day of school and her Broadway Bound classes after school. The finished products are now available on their website if you are interested in seeing them (video). When you go to the link, if you scroll over the small photo of Madi and Blizzard, it will show you a link to read the story from the annual report or watch the video. It was a great experience:) I hope you enjoy~

If this link won't load for you, there's another on the sidebar which works.
On my computer I scrolled over a photo of Madi and then I think I had to click on the video, which is called Girl on the Go.
You'll really enjoy watching this!