Newest Princesses and Princes

Friday, December 23, 2011

Honoring a Military Wife with a Heart of Gold

I received a request to honor someone recently. Here's what he wrote about his wife, Yvonne:
"Hello and good day. I am active duty army stationed at ft. leonardwood mo. I was on deployment in kabul afgahinistan on Jan 2 2010 in a convoy of trucks delivering food water and medical equipment to soldiers in a remote part of kabul. My vehicle was struck by an ied. I sustained life threatining injuries to my face. It required 3 surgeries and recontruction to my nose and face. I have since been in recovery here at post. I suffered severe ptsd and severe traumatic brain injury along with both knees having torn mcl"s. I am currently still active duty and recieving treatment before being medically retired from the army. I am also recieving social security disability due to not being able to work due to my injuries.During all the trauma and worries and appointments my wife has been there for any and all times. She has gone above what would be expected of a spouse to include going to a wounded warrior summit and attending a peer mentor class and at this time is assisting wounded and ill soldiers with anything they need as a peer mentor for the wounded warrior project. My wife maintains the household and tends to the needs of our children as well as helping her brother in a time of need when he temporarly had to be a single parent of 5 children by keeping the children while he was at work and also continue to have the daily routine of school and taking care of my needs on a daily basis. At the point that everyone is settled down for the night she tends to her own schoolwork online due to not able to attend classes during the day no more. It has been a very hard struggle for the last 9 months and thru all the issues she has never giving up and continues to help others with her knowledge and caring. It would be a great honor to me to have her recognized for all she has done. Thank you and god bless as he has our family.
S Schulte"

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Our newest Princess, Kayla

We're thrilled to welcome Princess Kayla to our Royal Family!! This is a photo of Kayla keeping track of funds she's raised--$900 for the Epilepsy Foundation in her state! Great job, Princess Kayla! Princess Kayla and her family are already planning to be part of a walk-a-thon fundraiser. They call themselves Kayla's Krew. We give a tip of the tiara to this family!!

More Adventures for Heart of Gold Madi

Heart of Gold Award winner Madi has been so busy with her job as Youth Advocate for the ADA. I'm sharing a couple of photos of her to show the important people she has met. :-) That's Crystal Bowersox at the mike. I think you'll know the other two!
She's been in San Diego and in Orlando. And she's had time to be a Counselor in Training at Camp Possibilities!! Way to go, Heart of Gold Madi!!

Exciting news from Princess Rachel

Former Coronet's Nat'l Miss Heart of America, Rachel Bettendorf, has been asked to play a set at the FL House of Blues at their Sunday Gospel Brunch! We send her heaps of congratulatory smiles and our best wishes!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Heart of Gold Madi in CA

Heart of Gold Award winner Madi is having an exciting week as she continues with her year as the American Diabetes Association's Youth Advocate. I'll let her tell about it in her own words: "It is exciting to say that this update is brought to you clear from the opposite side of the United States...all the way from Sunny San Diego California! I am out here for a week, representing the American Diabetes Association as the National Youth Advocate for the Community Volunteer Leadership Conference and the ADA 71st Scientific Sessions. Since we arrived here on Wednesday I have had some pretty amazing experiences. I had the great opportunity to address the group with a speech about the importance of the ADA Safe at School Campaign as part of the ACT advocacy session. I have met some of the most dedicated diabetes volunteers and advocates the world has ever seen, I have seen the unveiling of the Association’s 2012-15 Strategic Plan and have had opportunities to work with our local market on ideas and strategies to help us meet our new goals. I am completely impressed that the “new” vision statement for the association comphttp://www.blogg and totally matches my own…I dream of a” life free of diabetes and all its burdens”. Being out here, I am even more determined to make that dream my personal reality and the reality for the 18.8 Americans currently diagnosed with diabetes, the 7 million more who do not yet know they have it, and the millions more who are impacted by diabetes in many other ways. Yes… there WILL be a cure!"
We could help Madi by going to her pages and "liking" them.

National Youth Advocate page:!/pages/American-Diabetes-Association-National-Youth-Advocate/48596398079

Madison’s Prayer Page:!/MadisonsPrayer